Get Started with your SPEA Chapter
Resources & Support
If your dental school does not currently have a SPEA chapter, we invite you to get started and begin now! Identify your regional contact by looking here. Please contact your Regent and they will be happy to assist you.
Everything you need to get your chapter rolling! This kit serves as an official guide to starting your own SPEA chapter at your dental school. It also contains important documents such as a sample Constitution and By-Laws, as well as many meeting ideas.
Here are a few examples of meeting ideas that your chapter can use to bring a group of students together for a luncheon or some after school activities. Check them out!
Join SPEA Alumni
Shift your focus toward giving back to the students. It’s your turn to pay it forward, mentoring and guiding aspiring dental professionals on their path to excellence!
Learn more about membership development and chapter growth with SPEA board members!
Learn more about fundraising ideas and strategies with SPEA board members!

We have compiled some examples of cases to present and discuss during SPEA meetings at your chapter. Please feel free to utilize any of the following resources. Click on the images below to find associated material.