Complicated Patients

A 38-year-old male patient presents in the office of a general dentist. He had a large amount of restorative work done within the previous five years. Most of the restorative is failing as a result of undue wear and caries at margins. Along with a recommendation to replace the previously completed work, the dentist has strong criticism of the previous dentistry and suggests the patient subsequently seek legal advice regarding redress for the previously done dental work.

While litigation is pending, the new dentist undertook to restore the patient's mouth to sound health. As work proceeds, he finds the patient becoming increasingly more "obnoxious," angry and generally non-compliant. It is also discovered that the patient is a compulsive sweet sucker. The patient was usually late and failed to show up for numerous appointments. Home care was very poor to non-existent.

After numerous attempts to educate the patient with only one quadrant of restorations completed, the dentist wrote a note to the patient suggesting he find another dentist.


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