Apply For a SPEA National Board Position
Become part of the SPEA National Board for the 2024-25 year. All student positions are open to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year dental students. Whether you are new to SPEA or have been a proud member for years, we encourage anyone who is interested in making a national impact, joining a diverse and collaborative team, and leading future leaders.
Please complete application by October 19th @ 9am . Please submit a professional headshot for each position to speadental@gmail.com. These photos will be uploaded with your application for voting. Applications will be uploaded to the website on a rolling basis.
Voting will take place during Annual Session on October 19th in the afternoon session. Each SPEA Chapter will receive one vote and the chapter representative will submit each vote. Applicants must be present to be elected due to the New Board Meeting that will occur at 5pm on Saturday October 19th for 30-60 minutes. Please plan flights accordingly or reach out to a board member.
Please reach out to speadental@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Executive Committee
There are 3 positions available in the executive committee: Executive chair and 2 Co-Vice Chairs.
Executive Chair: The applicant for Executive Chair only qualifies if they have previously held a position on the National Board prior.
Duties of the Executive Chair include: Official spokesperson for the association; Chairperson of the Board of Regents; calls special sessions, the House of Delegates, or Board of Trustees; ensures that all officers accomplish goals set by the Council.
Vice Chair: No prior National Board experience necessary for position.
Duties of the Vice Chair include: Official spokesperson for the association at the request of the Executive Chair, Chairs of Council on Membership and Education, coordinates regent affairs.
***Those who apply for Executive Chair will automatically be a candidate for Vice Chair***
Regent: Applicants need no prior National Board experience.
Duties of a regent include: Board of Regents member, represents the constituents of his/her regency, chairperson of the regency caucus, primary communication contact between chapters and SPEA executives, acts as a resource for SPEA chapters, communication liaison for SPEA/ACD relationship.
Chief Information Officer
CIO & Assistant CIO: Applicants need no prior National Board experience.
Duties of a CIO include: Chair on Council on Communication, Editor in Chief of all printed and digital publications, including quarterly social media publications; manages the SPEA website and all social media.